Join our exclusive Referral System for just £250 per year and unlock incredible exposure for your business.
With a one-time yearly payment, you’ll gain premium visibility in our clubhouse, shout-outs in our email newsletter, and features across our social media platforms—reaching our dedicated community of supporters.
Here’s how it works: When a St Francis member uses your product or service, we receive a pre-agreed referral fee. For example, if a member spends £1,000 on your service, we would typically receive a 10% referral fee (£100).
In return, we’ll go above and beyond to promote your business, making sure our community knows you’re a trusted partner. It’s not just about a transaction; it’s about building a relationship that benefits both you and our club.
But act fast! We only partner with a maximum of 8 businesses per year, ensuring you get the spotlight you deserve.
Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to grow your business and support St Francis RFC.
Click here to discuss joining our Referral Scheme, and let’s succeed together!